The roads are naturally narrow and barely fit a campervan, let alone oncoming traffic, let alone an oncoming lorry on a narrow incline next to a ravine. This only happened once but to quote Jood "it was almost brown trousers time". The lorry diver knew not to mess with us and parked against the cliff wall as we cruised past with centimetres to spare.
Our campground tonight has extensive views over the valley, with vineyards arranged geometrically and stone walls containing tiny stone houses and patches of green and gold. The swimming pool is empty but comes with an interesting set of regulations including "no board shorts" (Arkady wouldn't cope), "no shoes poolside" and "no skin conditions or weird rashes that look contagious unless you have certification to say it is safe". Maybe it's just yellow boardies and light blue boardies with orange flowers that aren't allowed.
The campground has a small bar area with wifi, drinks and tonight a jazz trio providing a warm atmosphere to captivate an appreciative camping audience who know their "kumbayas" from their George Bensons and Miles Davis'. Actually they did great covers including "Ipanema" (I know, I know...) Stevie Wonder and Sex Pistols (maybe not).
I also discovered possibly the cheapest beer in Europe. Finkbrau pilsener for 29 eurocents a can at Lidl supermarkets. Made me think of a great beer ad campaign. "I'm finkin about Finkbrau."
Ah so THAT'S what Gordes looks like - it was another place that we didn't get to last time - kept getting lost and missing the turn off, so in the end we decided that we were obviously not destined to go there. Can just see Arkady in the blue flowered boardies. Good to see that the rain seems to have gone. Pete, you really seem to be enjoying that beer!
ReplyDeleteHi Peet, Jood, Arkady and Anika,
ReplyDeleteWe have returned from the Monte Carlo village of Tea Gardens... Nice to have a few days away. Soph and Jack were only interested in going to the local pool and not the beach! Not sure why but hey, it's everyone's holiday. We won a meat tray on Easter Sunday at the Club (thankfully not on Good Fish Friday!) and loved Mum's cooking of the butterflied lamb roast the following night.
Your postcard from Paris arrived safely (dated 4.4.12). Thank you!
Keep enjoying your holiday and don't rush home.
Love from Narelle, Paul, Sophie and Jack xxxx
We also got your postcard today & yes we will climb the 400 steps up to see the gargoyles & partake in the amazing views over Paris me thinks, so once again thanks for the heads up xx PJ