Monday, 16 April 2012



  1. Loving your posts.... J has almost refrained from reproach... but you're driving her crazy!

    ...keep up the good work! MM

  2. I think I recognise that bridge. Is it the Pont Julien?, a Roman bridge quite in the middle of nowhere, which is now part of a cycle route?

    And don't believe Mike, or not quite as he makes out. It is great to see you visiting so many lovely places, especially as we have visited some of them too. In fact, it is nice to see places that we have seen but not in the same way (Mike does not really like to just wander thru little villages - his take, seen one, seen them all ...). It does make me envious, but why should I be, when we have been before (and dammit, would like to be there again!!!)

    But do enjoy and keep on enjoying all those pastries, and cheeses, and other delicacies.

    1. Oui. C'est Pont Julien pres de Bonnieux.
      Le Mistral has died down. Now sunny and peaceful. Great campground 5min walk along river to Pont du Gard.
      Finally got the bikes out again too!
