Or... catch the Metros and do the stairs.
Just getting a bit of a twinge in the right achilles and the left hammy.
Nothing to do with my age.

We climbed Notre Dame tower today. Got there early, lined up in third position and were in the first group to climb and gaze lovingly over the Paris rooftops. The closeup views of the cathedral are also exciting , particularly the various gargoyles that stare menacingly from every rampart. The large wooden bell tower was all beams and big bell, reached by tiny stairs and overseen by a tiny man. Unfortunately a not so tiny school group followed us up and it was a bit squeezy. I asked the tiny man if there was a people limit in the bell tower and he said "oui". Pretty exciting conversation huh?

Our next morning stop was just down the road. The stunning stained glass panels in St Chapelle are full of colour and detail - although I was somewhat distracted by a conversation I had with a giant San Francisco man who loved everything and had a story for every minute of our brief meeting. Teenaged children rolled eyes at this point. They don't like their father having chats with strangers.
Anyway the place is amazing and worth the ridiculously slow queue to get in.
After a patisserie frenzy and a visit to the George Pompidou courtyard and water sculpture pond we trotted off along ancient lanes and cobbled streets through parts of the Marais district to reach the Place des Voges. This is a beautiful square with lanes of trees and grassy triangles for picnics and carefree lazing. Except if the official with the whistle decides to move you on to another grassy triangle We watched this little humorous scenario and enjoyed watching it unfold with each new participant. The official took his work very seriously with his whistle in his mouth and his cigarette in hand.
We then planned to drop in at at the Louvre. Too much you say....
OOOooohh, those pastries. I really liked the Madeleines.